Carole co-chairs the Brain Injury Advisory Council, a survivor volunteer group within the Brain Injury Association of America. In preparation for Brain Injury Awareness Month (March), Council members recorded a series of videos sharing general brain injury advocacy strategies and specific tips for anyone attending Awareness Day in Washington, DC.
Carole and other members of the Brain Injury Association of America's Brain Injury Advisory Council were interviewed as part of the article Brain Injury: A Lifelong Journey, in the Spring 2024 (Volume 18 Issue 1) edition of The Challenge magazine. The article is on pages 4-8.
Carole and other members of the Brain Injury Association of America's Brain Injury Advisory Council wrote a Building Resilience after Brain Injury listicle for the Spring 2024 (Volume 18 Issue 1) edition of The Challenge magazine. The listicle is on page 18.
At the 2024 Maine Brain Injury Conference, Carole was presented with the 2023 Lewis & Clara Lamont Brain Injury Advocacy Award, in recognition for her contributions to the brain injury community.
Carole and other members of the Brain Injury Association of America's Brain Injury Advisory Council discuss strategies, advantages and challenges to building community after brain injury
Carole discussed the process of accepting brain injury on the internet radio show "Recovery Now" with hosts Kim Justus and Caren Robinson
As a member of the TBI Advisory and Leadership Group (TAL Group), Carole participated in "Partnership Day", sponsored by the Administration for Community Living. She and two other TAL Group members discussed the importance of peer support for brain injury survivors. Carole's part of the presentation begins at the 2 hour and 12 minute mark of the video.
Carole was interviewed by Bella Paige, host of the Post Concussion podcast. They discussed strategies for accepting one's new self after brain injury.
The Autumn 2023 edition of Communication Matters, a publication of The New Zealand Speech-Language Therapists' Association, featured a collection of grief and loss quotes that Carole put together from her book,To Root & To Rise: Accepting Brain Injury. The article begins on page 14.
Carole was interviewed on the "Our Stories" podcast of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association. She shared her brain injury story, the challenges of creating a new life and the role recreation therapy played in her journey.
Carole co-chairs the Brain Injury Advisory Council, a survivor volunteer group within the Brain Injury Association of America. In the Fall of 2023, the group did a 3-part series of Facebook Lives on the subject of resilience. In this final video of the series, Carole & co-chair Kelly Lang discuss finding a new sense of purpose after brain injury.
Carole and other members of the Brain Injury Association of America's Brain Injury Advisory Council wrote a Living Well after Brain Injury listicle for the Winter 2022 (Volume 15 Issue 4) edition of The Challenge magazine. The listicle is on pages 8-9.
As a supplement to their Living Well after Brain Injury listicle, Carole and other members of the Brain Injury Association of America's Advisory Council made videos about each topic. In this video, Carole and Council member Darcy Keith talk about the importance of brain injury survivors finding and focusing on what they can do, versus what they can't.
As a supplement to their Living Well after Brain Injury listicle, Carole and other members of the Brain Injury Association of America's Advisory Council made videos about each topic. In this video, Carole and Council member Paul Bosworth talk about the importance of brain injury survivors taking ownership of their recovery process.
Carole participated in the Administration for Community Living's virtual TBI Stakeholder Day. Along with other members of the TBI Advisory & Leadership Group, Carole talked about her experiences serving on boards as a brain injury survivor and offered suggestions for boards looking for more survivor participation. The survivor engagement section of the video starts at 25:20.
Carole was interviewed as part of a WebMD article about the long-term effects of concussions.
In this article for the Kessler Foundation's Spring 2022 TBI News & Views, Carole writes about the value of peer mentors for brain injury survivors.
This is a recording of a Facebook Live video that Carole and other members of the Brain Injury Association of America's Brain Injury Advisory Council did as part of brain injury awareness month. The group talked about strategies for creating meaningful lives after brain injury.
Carole was interviewed on Diane Atwood's podcast, Catching Your Memories. She talked about her journey and lessons learned over 23 years of living with brain injury.
Carole was interviewed by brain injury survivor Eric Esposito on his show "Sunday Morning Conversations"
Carole participated in the Administration for Community Living's TBI Tuesday event titled Maximizing the Effectiveness of Advisory Boards through Full Participation. As members of the TBI Advisory and Leadership group, Carole and Kelly Lang shared tips to help brain injury survivors get ready to serve on advisory boards. Carole & Kelly's presentation begins at the 1:40 mark of the video.
Carole is a member of the Brain Injury Association of America's Advisory Council. The group worked together to create this video highlighting brain injury misperceptions, realities and next steps.
Carole was interviewed on brain tumor survivor Wendy Santana's blog, 2ndChance2Live.
Carole serves on the TBI Advisory & Leadership Group, which is part of the Traumatic Brain Injury Technical Assistance and Resource Center, funded by the Administration for Community Living. The group wrote a guide to help brain injury survivors prepare to serve on boards and committees.
Carole was interviewed on TBI Therapist Dr. Jen Blanchette's podcast. She talked about her journey of coming to terms with brain injury and strategies that helped
Carole is a member of the Brain Injury Association of America's Advisory Council. Members worked in pairs to create videos with tips about becoming a brain injury advocate.
As a member of the Brain Injury Association of America's Advisory Council, Carole has attended Brain Injury Awareness Day in Washington, D.C. To help brain injury survivors navigate the day, the Council wrote a guide with helpful information and strategies.
Carole was part of a podcast for the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA) State of the States Virtual Learning Conference. The panel talked about strategies for increasing brain injury survivors' involvement in brain injury programs and committees.
Carole was part of a video series created by The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS). She talked about the challenges of brain injury during the pandemic and the importance of person-centered planning strategies. published a 9 part series of excerpts from Carole's book, To Root & To Rise: Accepting Brain Injury.
Carole and other members of the Brain Injury Association of America's Brain Injury Advisory Council were featured in an article commemorating the 10 year anniversary of the Council. To read the article, first download the Winter 2019 edition. The article begins on page 28.
Carole was interviewed by Mark Elswick for the internet radio show Moving Forward.
Carole was named a "Brain Injury Hope Hero"
This is the second half of Carole’s radio interview with Donna O’Donnell Figurski.
Brain injury survivor and blogger Suzanne Tobin writes about Carole, her book and Brain Injury Voices.
Carole was interviewed by Donna O’Donnell Figurski for the internet radio show Another Fork in the Road.
Carole was profiled in the Spring 2018 Headway Newsletter from the Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire.
Carole shared her story on Donna O’Donnell Figurski’s blog, Surviving Traumatic Brain Injury.
As a member of the Brain Injury Association of America’s Advisory Council, Carole was profiled in the Winter 2018 edition of their Challenge Magazine. She shares her journey as a TBI survivor. To read the article, first download the Winter 2018 edition. Carole’s story is on page 28.
In this interview, Carole shares the challenge of accepting her traumatic brain injury and the important role journaling has played for her as a survivor and author.
In July 2017, Carole was interviewed on Amy Zellmer's podcast Faces of TBI. She talked about her brain injury journey, the challenges of writing, and her new book, To Root & To Rise: Accepting Brain Injury.
Carole was interviewed on Diane Atwood's podcast Catching Health. She talked about the many challenges of living with traumatic brain injury and why she wrote her book, To Root & To Rise: Accepting Brain Injury.
Carole talked about her book, To Root & To Rise: Accepting Brain Injury with Life Simplified Radio hosts Bettina Blanchard and Ross Goldberg.
Carole was interviewed by a local Maine paper in July 2017. She talked about the challenges of living with brain injury, common misconceptions and the rewards of being a mentor to others.